BACK — b2b Panoramas B2B is an IT platform that includes tools and services with detailed analytics and additional opportunities for promoting a dealer’s products and services.

3 million users daily, 400,000 listings on, 27 years in the auto market.


During my time at, I focused on developing the B2B segment. One of the key tasks was designing a tool that enabled dealers to easily add 3D panoramas of car exteriors and interiors to their listings, making them more informative and attractive for buyers.

On, sellers were already able to create and upload 3D car panoramas — interactive photographs — for free. After the launch, we gathered statistics, and it turned out that panoramas significantly improved sales performance.


Senior Product Designer for B2B & B2C


My task was to focus on the case of dealers who successfully use panoramas in their workflow. The main objective was to improve efficiency and increase the conversion rates of listings at various levels of the sales funnel through the tools available on the classified platform.


Based on insights from the US-based company Spincar, a leader in 3D car panorama creation:


We developed a functionality that allows dealers to create and upload 3D car panoramas directly through the app.

Additionally, dealers gained the ability to highlight key elements of the car within the panoramas, adding explanations or supplementary photos, which enhances informativeness and builds trust with buyers.

In the dealer’s dashboard, it was essential to integrate a new feature block for uploading panoramas of car exteriors and interiors. This functionality aimed to simplify the process for dealers and significantly enhance the presentation quality of their listings.

The new block was designed to allow the dealer to easily mark key features of the car directly on the panoramas, adding explanatory notes or additional close-up images to highlight unique selling points.


A dealer creates panoramic images to sell used cars. During the first week of the test period, the dealer uploaded interactive photos to 27% of the listings placed on

  1. The number of views increased by 6% in 7 days
  2. By the last week of the month, when panoramas were added for 80% of the inventory, the number of views grew by 76%, and traffic doubled on peak days